Gosha and Dasha, hello.
Now we are going to ask you questions about Calista. Our first question is, Gosha, which show in our hotel did you like the most?
I liked the Wonderland show the most. I liked the acrobats doing various stunts and I liked the show with the three bikers spinning around in a big circle. I liked the Michael Jackson show the most. I was fascinated. He was moving so much that I felt like the real Michael Jackson. I felt like he was singing the song. It should have been a clone.
Do you participate in any sports activities and which one do you like the most?
I like playing darts, going down the slide and floating.
Which food do you like the most?
In the main restaurant I like ravioli the most, I also like pancakes, especially with cheese. After Akva aerobics we like to go to the restaurant called 5 o'clock, we call it that because we usually go there at that time. There are various cookies, desserts, tea, which are very delicious. I also like to eat various pancakes in the main restaurant.
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