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10 March 2023


Many organizations have used the word “Sustainability” in their discourse So, what exactly is sustainability? You have surely heard about this concept so we would like to share our thoughts here. In this article, we will tell you our definition of sustainability, our sustainable hotel and sustainable tourism approaches, and the steps Calista Luxury Resort has taken towards sustainability.

What is Sustainability?

In its most basic sense, sustainability is giving the future generations the same opportunity to meet their needs without compromising our ability to meet our needs in the current period. Needs can be social, economic or natural resources, and in this context should not have a negative impact on the ecosystem. It is important to note that these resources are limited in capacity and that they should therefore be used wisely.

Calista Luxury Resort practices sustainable activities adhering to the motto "Let's Protect Our World Together". Calista Luxury Resort has incorporated this slogan into our corporate consciousness. We carry out activities that contribute to sustainability in all our subsidiaries and with all participants in order to live in a cleaner world. We do our part to protect our natural and cultural heritage so as to leave an intact environment for future generations. We proudly hold the designation of “Environmentally Friendly Hotel” based on local and international certifications.

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What We Do in Terms of Sustainability

Calista Luxury Resort, which was one of the sustainable hotels in Türkiye, supports sustainability practices in many areas. Let's look at these practices together:

Water Conservation

  • We minimize water consumption by using aerators in all rooms and public areas.
  • We use photocell faucets in washbasins and dual flush systems in toilets.
  • We do not pre-wash to minimize the waste of water in our laundry facilities.

Electricity Saving

  • We use more efficient LED lights instead of fluorescent lamps.
  • We use an automatically disabling heating and cooling system in the rooms.
  • We use the "Energy Saver System" in the rooms. Thus, when the guest is not in the room, the electrical system does not consume energy.
  • We use sensors for lighting in communal toilets, corridors, personnel quarters and ground floors.
  • We control outdoor lighting with timers.
  • We record annual electricity consumption and develop savings measures.
  • We choose energy-efficient products when purchasing products for all areas of the hotel and business offices.

Waste Management

  • We use reusable products instead of disposable products.
  • We use glass cups and porcelain plates in personnel areas.
  • We deliver vegetable oil waste to a contracted company that converts these oils into biodiesel.
  • We provide the garbage and recycle bins in common and outdoor areas in accordance with the waste separation system.
  • We buy large products in bulk to reduce packaging waste.
  • We deliver hazardous waste to disposal facilities by transportation companies licensed through the ministry in accordance with the legal regulations set by the Regulations on the Control of Hazardous Waste.

Reducing Greenhouse Gases

  • We use electric Club Cars for transportation within the hotel grounds.
  • We perform monthly maintenance checks of the boiler.
  • We reduce emissions by purchasing from local suppliers.
  • We reduce carbon emissions by choosing electric vehicles and bicycles for transportation.
  • We recommend that our guests use public transportation.

Chemical Usage

  • We use dosing systems effectively in all chemical warehouses, pool machine rooms, and in the laundry rooms. Dosing systems are economical systems that allow us to work safely by mixing chemicals with water-or other chemicals in appropriate ratios-obtaining an ideal mixture that prevents chemical, water, and time losses, and personnel errors.
  • We use the PotoClean system for drinking and utility water. PotoClean destroys harmful bacteria and all pathogens using a low electrical voltage.
  • We use an ionization system in the pools and we reduce the use of chlorine by applying the Silver-Copper (Ag-Cu) Ionization system instead of chlorine for disinfection. This system is more effective and environmentally friendly and saves a significant amount in chlorine consumption, decreases the use of chemicals due to the lack of need for algae inhibitory chemicals, and reduces backwashing, which saves even more water.

Energy conservation is an especially important issue of hotels concerned with sustainable tourism. At Calista Luxury Resort we fulfil all our duties in this regard. As we are aware of the need for environmentally friendly practices in hotels we proactively move forward in this direction. That's why we continue to carry the title of Environmentally Friendly Hotel. We invite you to “protect our world together” with the Calista Resort Luxury family.


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