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27 February 2024

Healthy Nutrition for Children: How Should Nutrition Be for Children?

Child nutrition should be carried out healthily and regularly. Children in the developmental age and growing every day should have a healthy diet. So what is good for children’s development?

Children need to consume foods from all food groups. Preparing balanced meals allows the child to be adequately nourished. In addition to foods containing protein, vitamins, minerals, calcium and natural fats, water consumption should also be emphasized.

The Importance of Nutrition in Childhood

Food for children is extremely important for development. Nutrition for children's growth and development varies depending on the child's age range and developmental characteristics. Detailed research should be carried out to ensure that the child consumes the foods they need and develops healthily.

Creating balanced meals during the feeding phase, which contributes significantly to emotional and cognitive development and physical development, is recommended. An example of a healthy diet is 45% fruits and vegetables, 25% protein foods, 25% grain products and 5% unprocessed fats.

Nutrition for Preschool Children

The question "What can I put in my child's diet?" is one of the most frequently asked questions of parents. For your child to maintain a healthy development and adapt to the diet, you need to pay attention to some attitudes and behaviors as well as foods.

To establish a lifelong healthy eating routine, it is recommended that nutritional habits are introduced in preschool.

Distinguishing between rewards and punishments paints a negative image of certain foods in children's minds. Therefore, you should not show food as a reward or punishment.

Expecting the child to eat the same amount of food every day and forcing the child to eat can interfere with feeding habits. You should let your child eat as much as they need when hungry.

Caregivers are also role models. Parents or caregivers should set an example for their children by observing their eating habits.

You can ensure that the child eats healthy foods by not giving the child any food close to mealtime.

You can sit around the table at the same time every day to establish regular eating habits.

Nutrition for School-Age Children

Children who grow physically rapidly until school age decreases. However, this does not mean that development stops. Children developing motor skills are more mobile and may need more meals.

Foods such as snacks can be consumed quite frequently by school-age children. You should consider some points to create healthy eating habits in school-age children.

Once children realize they have a choice, they differentiate between foods according to their type and quantity. During this process, you should be careful to prevent children from eating unhealthy foods.

To prevent calcium, magnesium and potassium deficiencies in childhood, you can prepare meals consisting of foods high in fiber.

Dehydration can occur in children who are constantly on the move. Children who forget vital needs such as drinking water and eating while playing should be reminded of their need for food and water.

Children at school during the day consume some of their meals at school. So what goes in a child's lunchbox? In order to maintain a healthy diet at school, children's lunchboxes should contain balanced meals. Satisfying wheat products, protein foods, fruits, and vegetables are indispensable in the lunchbox.

Things to Consider in Children’s Nutrition

Some factors should be considered to create a healthy diet for children in the developmental age.

Fast food and snacks high in saturated fat should be given to your child no more than once a month.

Breakfast is the most important meal in a healthy diet. This meal, which consumes the body's nutrients, satisfies night hunger and allows for a mentally and physically active day. Eating breakfast regularly supports development and strengthens immunity.

Children must benefit from all foods during the day. Milk and dairy products, vegetables and fruits, legumes, meat and meat products and cereals should be consumed to prevent malnutrition and for a healthy development process.

Consuming more carbohydrates than the body needs can cause a number of problems, especially in childhood. For this reason, foods containing high levels of carbohydrates and processed fats should be avoided.

White bread, known for its high glycemic index, raises blood sugar quickly. Elevated blood sugar causes drowsiness and rapid hunger. It is recommended that children consume fibre-rich breads such as grain and whole wheat.

Nuts containing natural fatty acids increase children's energy. Nuts with low-calorie values stand out as natural snacks.

The importance of calcium for bone development is well known. Calcium-containing foods such as milk, yogurt, and cheese should be consumed for the healthy development of the child's bones, muscles, and nervous system.

Eggs, a rich source of protein, should be consumed frequently in childhood. Consumption of 1 egg a day positively affects development.

Snacks help to keep the body system in balance. You can prepare healthy snacks for your child.

Nutrition Education for Children


When preparing a child nutrition program, you must consider your child's developmental characteristics and wishes. Especially in school-age children, you may face problems such as stubbornness as their sense of freedom will be dominant. For this reason, you can ask your child to make a choice by offering different options.

The most important criterion for nutrition education in children is to eat meals simultaneously every day. Breaking the routine can lead to restlessness in children. It is also important to eat the same foods as your child. The child who adopts you as a role model will be interested in the food you consume.

Children exposed to the screen for long periods may see different foods in programs or advertisements. Children are attracted to the colorful packaging they see in advertisements. You can minimize screen time to keep children away from unhealthy snacks.

Being in front of a screen while eating also leads to a child's inability to understand the feeling of satiety. Children conditioned to eat in front of a screen may refuse to eat when there is no screen. For this reason, you can turn off devices such as the TV and computer at mealtimes.

Tips for Nutrition of Children


School lunch recipes are of great importance for parents. The diets that ensure children get the nutrients they need should include healthy and high value foods. In addition to satiating cereal products, protein, mineral, and vitamin-based foods that support development should also be included in the diet.

It is very important to include healthy drinks in the diet, such as milk, freshly squeezed fruit juice or buttermilk. Ready-made fruit juice or acidic drinks can be harmful because of their ingredients.

Let Your Child Experience Unique Flavors at Calista

Children's healthy and regular eating routines mustn't be interrupted for any reason. Many parents let their children eat and drink whatever they want during the holidays. But healthy eating is not a punishment. Children need to eat a healthy diet at all times.

Calista Luxury Resort offers delicious and healthy food options with a children's menu specially prepared for children. The children's buffet and special tables prepared for children allow children to take responsibility for nutrition in a fun way.

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